Media Center
Welcome to the Pine Street Library!
In the Pine Street Library Media Center, we strive to assist students in achieving two main goals:
Locating and using information to communicate their own ideas creatively.
Developing a love of reading.
We do this by providing students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade weekly instruction in information literacy and daily access to a plethora of rich literature that is tailored to their individual interests and reading levels.
Students in fourth through fifth grade utilize the library in a more flexible manner coming as needed to check out and to conduct research. Classes may be scheduled by the teacher for information literacy and other technology instruction.
Library Media Center Hours
The library media center is open from 7:30am-3:00pm every day. Students must be accompanied by a parent before and after school hours.
Media Specialist
Mrs. Lee Anne Bailie is in her 17th year as the Media Specialist at Pine Street School. Mrs. Bailie is a graduate of Winthrop College and the University of South Carolina’s School of Library & Information Science. She is also National Board Certified.
Honors: Teacher of the Year, 2011-12
Media Assistant
Mrs. Veneal Williams is in her 17th year as the Media Assistant at Pine Street School. Mrs. Williams is a graduate of the University of Florida.
Library Resources
Home Connect Use your child’s AR User Name and Password to monitor their progress in the Accelerated Reader program.
Tumblebooks Ask a teacher or librarian for the user name and password to access hundreds of animated books that can be read on PCs and tablets.
Accelerated Reader Book Find Quick place to look to find out if a book has a quiz on Accelerated Reader. You can also locate the reading level, quiz number and other information about books.
Common Sense Media Useful website for helping parents navigate the world of media and technology to make informed decisions for their families.