Viking mascot high-fiving student

viking mascot with students

A mascot is a touchstone for a school. More than just a student in a costume, a mascot is chosen early in a school's existence to unite students, staff and alumni under a single name and persona. There are many schools nationwide who are the Vikings – but in Spartanburg, in South Carolina, and on the East Coast there is only ONE, and our story has a rich history. 


In the fall of 1970, Spartanburg High and Carver High merged into a single high school (to be known as Spartanburg High School) as part of the final step in integrating Spartanburg City Schools. To prepare students for the merger, student leaders from both schools met regularly all summer to work out how the new student body would form a student government and create new traditions together. The Spartanburg High football team had been called the Crimson Tide, and the basketball team the Redbirds, while the Carver High teams had been known as the Tigers, by a vote of the student body, the athletic teams at the newly-integrated Spartanburg High School became the Vikings. 


And now, 53 years later, Spartanburg High School has given new life to our beloved Viking Mascot by creating an impressive persona that is the first of its kind for SHS! Our new Viking has been making the rounds at athletic events, and he even walked the halls during lunchtime recently. It is exciting to formally introduce him to you! Meet the new official SHS mascot - our VIKING!